
  • Making meaningful use of old, unused hardware or upcycling it
  • Software development in conjunction with hardware
  • Engaging in electronics and soldering once again
  • Creating something useful, amusing, and unconventional with technology
  • Creating a reference guide for myself and others who have similar projects in mind


  • Preview display via a TFT, similar to a typical digital camera
  • Text messages can be displayed in the preview.
  • Captures images in 1920x1080 resolution.
  • Prints images instantly after capture via a point-of-sale receipt printer.
  • Printed images are assigned a QR code.
  • Images are uploaded to a web server and can be downloaded via the QR code.
  • Runs on the go via a Li-Ion cell with a step-up converter and has approximately 2 hours of mobile runtime.
  • Li-Ion cell can be recharged via a micro-USB.
  • Capture activation is indicated next to the camera with a red LED and by an buzzer sound.
  • Can be controlled via a small IR remote control -> Capture activation, disable printing, exit camera program.
  • There is a soft power-off button which shuts down the Raspberry Pi.
  • There is a power-off switch to disconnect the battery from everything.
  • an atmel84a measures the li-ion cell voltage and it turns red LED on if the voltage goes under 3,5V
  • if the li-ion cell ist connected to the step-up converter a green LED is burning


The following sequence was followed during development:

  • Procure hardware
  • First, set up an OS (Operating System)
  • Ensure headless (=SSH) operation
  • Configure WLAN
  • Install buttons for shutdown and photo capture
  • Configure thermal receipt printer via CUPS
  • Set up TFT display via SPI
  • Connect and test red LED
  • Connect and configure IR sensor, and test
  • Write Python code
  • Configure web upload and web server
  • Test and install Step-Up + charging electronics
  • Customize casing and assemble hardware
  • More test caused by undervoltage tests
